Payment of fee

Payment of fee

  1. All fees reflected in the fee book are to be paid from the 1st to 10th of every month.
  2. Please enter the fee amounts for all fee heads exactly as mentioned in the fee book.
  3. If fee is paid after the due date, please enter the correct late fee, as per the rules indicated in the fee book. (Late fee of Rs. 50/- per month).
  4. Fees are payable for every month during which the student's name is on the school rolls regardless of whether the student is in attendance or not. No reduction of fees is made for holidays. The management reserves the right to enhance any fee.
  5. A student is liable to be struck off the school rolls if his/her dues remain unpaid for more than 90 days after the due date of payment. Re-admission of such defaulters will be done on payment of Rs. 1000 other than the late fees.
  6. Any student who has outstanding fees at the time of any examination will not be allowed to sit for the examination. Therefore, Parents/guardians are requested to check their ward/s fee book well before the commencement of any examination to ensure that all dues have been cleared.
LD Don Bosco School
  1. The fee book is supplied free of charge at the beginning of the academic year. If it is lost at any time a new book will be issued by the school office on payment of Rs. 30/-